An illustration of passphrase entered in a secure input field.

Cacti Passphrase Best Practices

Check out xkcd’s xkpasswd. It allows you to generate very secure passphrases with various configurations. The reason we use the word passphrase and not password throughout the Cacti Vault app is because we want to push you to use as long a passphrase as possible. The US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recommends creating long passphrases that are easy to remember and difficult to crack. According to Special Publication 800–63, Digital Identity Guidelines, a best practice is to generate passphrases of about 64 characters, including spaces....

September 9, 2020 · 4 min · Vishal V. Shekkar
A banner image that only shows the selection feature of Cacti Vault.

Photo Selections—Cacti Vault

Dsicusses the different ways photos may be selected to move to the Cacti Vault.

August 17, 2020 · 3 min